Tired of Explaining the Special Needs of the Incarcerated to a Claims Processor?

Partner with EHO, a PBM with decades of experience in supporting correctional service clients

There are 11.6 million people who cycle through our nation’s jails each year. Of that population, 80% have chronic medical conditions that have not been treated, 68% have substance use disorders, and close to 15% of males and over 30% of females are seriously mental illness*. EHO’s proprietary, cloud-based PBM360 claims processing platform allows correctional clients to view real-time metrics on a plan level or individual member basis. Every client benefits from complete customization of the plan design to allow maximum control over your prescription drug spend. The robust technology helps administrators to monitor utilization and cost while enabling EHO to function as a trusted advisor to inform correctional clients of cost-saving opportunities.

EHO Caters to Correctional Plans

  • Automated copays
  • Step therapy
  • Pharmacy adds new patients to the system at time of fill
  • ePrescribing
  • 24/7 live call center
  • Automated email alerts
  • Real-time prior authorizations

A Commitment to Clinical Services

EHO effectively manages clinical utilization through a "real-time audit" of high-cost claims. All claims requiring a prior authorization are reviewed by clinical pharmacists with years of experience in the industry. Pharmacists review prescriptions before they are filled utilizing a live connection into the PBM360 claims processing system. The program has reduced clients' annual pharmacy spend by between 15% to 20% through direct cost savings on existing medications and cost avoidance on newly prescribed medications.

* Source: